Cutback Cane, Staggered Cane, Marginata Cane


Cutback Cane, Staggered Cane, Marginata Cane – Canes – Standard Classics, Straight Staggered, Cutback Staggered, Marginata Specialty Cutback, Marginata Braid and Open Weave

Please click here to see ALL of our Canes – Fragans, Massangeana, Yucca, Hawaiian Sunshine, Marginata Cane, Janet Craig, Elegance Cane, Marginata Cane, Lind Cane AND more.

Capri Farms - Cutback Cane - Staggered Cane - Marginata Cane - Canes - Cane / Standard Classics ... Massangeana - Cutback cane, with multi heads featuring variegated green and yellow leaves and thick trunk. Fragrans - Cutback cane, with multi heads featuring solid green leaves and thick trunk. Standard Classics - Canes are first cut back and waxed in order to promote multi heads on each cane. Planted in sets at staggered height to ensure a consistent look throughout the crop. Pot sizes are usually offered in 10’’- (3/2/1), 10”- (4/3/2), 14”- (5/4/3/2) and 17” (6/5/4/3/2) pots. Overall height and plants per pot is proportional to pot size. Yucca - Cutback cane, with multi heads, elongated green leaves that come to a point. - Interior Foliage - Indoor Plants


Cick here for How To Care For Aglaonemas including the Elite Aglaonemas… click above link to see all Canes 

Hawaiian Grown Material


Hawaiian Grown Material –

Please click here to see ALL of our Hawaiian Grown Material – Rhapis & Kentia Palms and Staggered and Cutback Staggered Canes.

Hawaiian Product / Rhapis & Kentia Palms ... Hawaiian Rhapis & Kentia Palms - High end interior jobs should include Hawaiian Product. Lava rock mix provides a superior medium for interior application. Hawaiian palms generally present a more upright column look as compared to Florida-grown palms. Excellent in lower light conditions. Rhapis Palm - Glossy exotic fan-like ridged fronds spread out from a center point with matted textured trunk. Kentia Palm - Beautiful, graceful cascading form, Kentias feature elongated dark green fronds. - Capri Farms - - Hawaiian Grown Material


Cick here for How To Care For Aglaonemas including the Elite Aglaonemas… click above link to see all Hawaiian Grown Material